Central Office Shared Services

Building on insights from the recent report, Solving Missouri's Child Care Puzzle, this webinar series will advance the discussion and explore actionable shared service solutions for child care in Missouri.

12/9/2024 12:00 PM
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Central Office Shared Services
Solving Missouri's Child Care Puzzle Webinar Series - Missing Piece: Central Office Support

Hosted online by by New Growth Women’s Business Center and University of Missouri Extension. If not able to attend all, recordings will also be available to those who register.

Webinar 2 - Central Office Shared Services

Across the country, child care agencies and organizations are joining forces to build a shared services approach to increasing the number and quality of childcare providers. Common in business, shared services amount to central office support that reduces administrative burden and frees up time and money.

Learn from national leaders what a shared services alliance is and what they can do to address the need for more stable, sustainable, and high-quality child care options.

Speakers -

· Louise Stoney, Consultant, Opportunities Exchange, (OppEx)

Focused on innovation in child care finance and business management, Louise Stoney is Co-Founder of national shared services leader Opportunities Exchange and the Alliance for Early Childhood Finance. She devised the Iron Triangle of ECE Finance as a framework to guide practitioners and policy, encouraged and guided efforts to maximize the power of technology, and helped model early childhood education program costs to deepen understanding of both administrative and direct services.

· Monique Reynolds, Director of Business Support Services, Quality Care for Children

Monique Reynolds and team work with more than 1,000 early childhood education providers who are members of a Georgia shared services alliance operated by Atlanta-based Quality Care for Children. The approach has produced significant results; on average members have increased enrollment 24 percent and revenues 34 percent while eliminating bad debt (clients’ nonpayment).  

· Tosha Gourley, Director of Shared Services, AVANCE

Tosha Gourley leads development of a shared services alliance in Texas focused on in-home family child care educators, which is operated by the statewide community development organization AVANCE. She brings expertise in managing multi-site operations and assistance to family child care homes.

About the Child Care Report

With nearly half of Missouri’s young children living in "child care deserts," a new report from the New Growth Women’s Business Center and University of Missouri Extension, proposes a business-oriented solution: shared services or central office support for small and home-based child care providers.

Register to attend the December webinar series about shared service solutions in childcare.