March Office Hours in Warsaw

Would it be easier to meet you in Warsaw? We'll be there!

March Office Hours in Warsaw

We go to you! West Central Missouri covers a LOT of miles, so we office out of different counties to make things a little easier for clients to connect with us.

Want to learn more about micro-loans of $500-$50,000 or about business planning, credit building, mentorships, and more available through the New Growth Woman's Business Center?

Kim Carter, New Growth Micro-lending Coordinator, will be at Warsaw on the last Tuesday of the month.

See Kim in the Warsaw Community Building at 181 W Harrison, Warsaw, MO, between 8:30-4pm.

She’ll be sharing offices with the Benton County Economic Development and Warsaw Chamber of Commerce.

See more office hours in different counties along with other events at

Questions? Call us at 417-282-5936 or email

Office Hours may be impacted by inclement weather. If you're unsure, please call or email the Women's Business Center to confirm.