Conservation Help for Your Farm: Apply Now!

Farmers can build much-needed resilience and profitability with conservation practices that protect soil, conserve water, and build biodiversity. Shifting markets and changing climate are just two factors that conservation practices can help with.
But where do you start? How do you know which steps will make the most difference?
That’s where the experience of other farmers really helps. A new mentorship program will pair farmers who want to know with farmers who have done it.
Applications are open now for the free, year-long mentorship opportunity for support with Climate Smart conservation practices. Participants will receive 25 hours of one-one-one assistance from a team of farm mentors who offer a broad spectrum of expertise.
Applications will be accepted through February 3, 2023.
Priority is given to farmers who are socially disadvantaged or underserved according to the USDA’s “Limited Resource Farmer/Rancher – Socially Disadvantaged Farmer” definition.
The mentorship program is made possible through a grant from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The Food Systems Program at West Central Missouri Community Action Agency operates it.
Together with New Growth, the Food Systems Program provides a range of services for food and farm entrepreneurs, from production and marketing assistance to business planning and financing.
Food Value Chain Coordinator Cristina Jopling is available to answer any questions. Call 660-476-2185 or give her an email.