Blog Category

News Release: First Round of Business Builder Grants Now Open!
August 15, 2024
USDA and the Heartland Regional Food Business Center Make Available Over $3.7 Million to Farm and Food Businesses in First Round of Business Builder Grants. El USDA y el Heartland Regional Food Business Center ponen a disposición de las empresas agrícolas y alimentarias más de 3,7 millones de dólares en la primera ronda de subvenciones para la creación de empresas
New Growth's Food Systems Director Visits China
July 8, 2024
Eisenhower Fellowship takes New Growth leader abroad to tour and learn innovative things China is doing to ensure a vibrant food system
Trivia Night Success at Liston Center
July 2, 2024
Trivia Night at the Liston Center on June 28, themed "Summer Lovin'," saw 12 enthusiastic teams competing in a festive 50s atmosphere, raising over $3,000 for the kitchen renovation.

Build Farm to School with New Missouri Funding
August 29, 2023
A $1.25 million Local Food for Schools grant to Missouri from the federal government will flow directly to schools that apply for the opportunity to plan and implement local food purchasing over an 18-month period starting this fall.

Taste Tests Introduce Farm-Fresh Food
June 25, 2023
Farm to School project reports taste test success with 330 students in four rural west central Missouri school districts during the 2022-2023 school year.

Time to Rewrite Story, Reinvest in Rural Entrepreneurs
June 12, 2023
As Missouri gears up to build new businesses for economic innovation, it must increase on-the-ground small business support in rural Missouri. New Growth guest column July 10, 2023–Springfield Business Journal.

Changing the Rural Missouri Picture
June 11, 2023
This summer New Growth and photojournalist Clayton Steward are working with the support of the Missouri Humanities Council to produce a set of photo stories that capture a day in the life of 14 rural west central Missouri businesses. The objective is to build awareness of the everyday activity and creativity that is alive and well in rural Missouri.

Credit Score: From Zero to 700
May 10, 2023
St. Clair County, Missouri, resident Matt Anderson moved his credit score from zero to 700 in less than six months with the help of nonprofit New Growth’s free credit building program.

Lucky Ducky Cleaning Grows with Lots of Hard Work and a Little Help
January 5, 2023
Stacey and Larry Poe started Lucky Ducky Cleaning with a $5,000 loan from New Growth community development corporation. Less than two years later, the commercial cleaning company has contracts with 10 government office buildings and employs a team of nine workers.

Conservation Help for Your Farm: Apply Now!
December 1, 2022
Applications are open now for a free year of mentorship in Climate Smart farm conservation practices. Participants will receive 25 hours of one-one-one assistance from a team of experienced farmers who offer a broad spectrum of expertise.

Capacity grant for New Growth Capital
September 29, 2022
New Growth Capital will build its capacity to finance low-income and underserved people through grant support from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund).

New Growth partners with Ozarks Small Business Incubator
September 22, 2022
New Growth launches in 2023 a new partnership with the Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI), with a full-time Credit Building Coordinator working from OzSBI offices in West Plains, MO.